Wheel of Fate and Sett Studios presents: ANTICIPATION

We are super excited to announce our Spring Equinox group show OPEN CALL:

Wheel of Fate and Sett Studios presents: ANTICIPATION

'Here in the North of the Earth, the Spring Equinox is a time of sown things. Although days grow longer, nature still lies dormant as the hum of activity underneath the surface of the Earth waits to burst out into the open air. It is a time of anticipation, of potential. The wheel of the year is swinging upwards, but it has not quite reached the northern hemisphere yet. We know the direction we are going, but we are yet to know what will emerge when we pass the next threshold. This is a time of resurrection. Historically, it has been a time to celebrate Attis and Jesus who were both sacrificed and resurrected at this time of year: Attis’s transformation marked by Phrygian priests’ self-castration, and Jesus’ by the symbol of eggs and new life. This is a reminder that new life is a resurrection of the end of the cycle that has gone before. These are the last moments of the ethereal before materialisation. The end of an internal journey: the penultimate moment before the creature emerges from its solitude and is witnessed out in the plains of the wider world.'

- All mediums are welcome
-Performances to take place on opening night

The Show dates are: 11th April - opening night
11th April - 15th April - general viewing
Sett Studios, 127 Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 8NP

Proposal requirements:

  • Brief description of idea
  • What the piece is/will be (painting, ceramic, performance etc, plus any details such as dimensions, running time)
  • Any installation or tech requirements
  • A couple of images of your work 

PLEASE NOTE: Artists must be able to drop off their work in person as we are unable to arrange shipping or collection.

Proposal deadline is: Monday 24th March at 5pm

Please email your proposals to: info@wheeloffate.co.uk

*this is a non-funded community event organised by volunteers*